Reeses DPB Big Cup Puffs King 16 x 68gr

Contents: 16 piece

SKU Code: 29161

UPC Code: 034000229161

Reeses DPB Big Cup Puffs King 16 x 68gr

Expiry Date: 30/11/2025


SKU: 29161 Category: Brand:


Meltzak chocolate (Suiker, cacao boter, chocolade, gescheiden melk, melkvet, lactose (uit melk), emulgatoren (sojaboterlecin, E476)):
Zweetmelk chocolate (Suiker, cacao boter, chocolade, zuiveldm (gescheiden melk), melkvet, lactose (uit melk), emulgatoren (sojaboter lecithine, E476))
Zweetmelk chocoladebestanddelen (Suiker, cacao boter, chocolade, zuiveldm (gescheiden melk), melkvet, lactose (uit melk), emulgeren (soya lecithine, E476)),

Disclaimer: the product information on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and according to the information provided by the manufacturers. However, it is possible that information is not displayed correctly. No rights can therefore be derived from this information. View the full Disclaimer

Yes Tracks No Unknown
suiker Suikervrij


gelatine Gelatinevrij


gluten Glutenvrij


pinda Pinda & Noten vrij


lactose Lactosevrij


soja Sojavrij


kleurstoffen Vrij van AZO kleurstoffen


Disclaimer: the product information on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and according to the information provided by the manufacturers. However, it is possible that information is not displayed correctly. No rights can therefore be derived from this information. View the full Disclaimer

Contains soybeans and their derivatives, milk and its derivatives, peanuts and their derivatives.

Disclaimer: the product information on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and according to the information provided by the manufacturers. However, it is possible that information is not displayed correctly. No rights can therefore be derived from this information. View the full Disclaimer

  • Value
  • Nutritional value per 100 g/ml.


    2 018,00 kJ / 498,00 kcal

    62.80 g
    Whereof Sugars

    43.40 g

    7.40 g

    25.10 g
    Whereof Saturated

    13.50 g

    1.25 g

Disclaimer: the product information on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and according to the information provided by the manufacturers. However, it is possible that information is not displayed correctly. No rights can therefore be derived from this information. View the full Disclaimer

Reeses DPB Big Cup Puffs King 16 x 68gr

Expiry Date: 30/11/2025


SKU: 29161 Category: Brand:
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